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G! how to play



On the occasion of the eleventh edition of G! come Giocare, CILAB and The Playful Living have joined forces for an experience project designed for children and families. 

The space curated by CILAB and The Playful Living within G! come Giocare offered a new and engaging experience to audiences of all ages. For kids, a series of creative activities, with continuous access, so as to maintain a constant "flow of playfulness". Thanks to the experience of CILAB and The Playful Living, these moments were real laboratories of experimentation and creative expression, designed to highlight kids' new needs  but also of families, putting playfulness back at the centre. For parents, on the other hand, it was possible to choose whether to get involved in the workshops, or to opt for meetings held by experts on various topics ranging from parenting to safety and sustainability.


For more information, visit also: and

Schermata 2019-09-05 alle 10.45.00.jpg
Schermata 2019-09-05 alle 10.45.41.jpg



Organized by


Media partner 


Under the patronage of 


Past events

Toy Safety

With Paolo Taverna, Head of the Salone Internazionale del Giocattolo

Playing, an important mean to develop competences for the future

With Marzia Maiorano, President of Comitato Imprenditoria Femminile Camera di Commercio di Milano Monza Brianza e Lodi

Kids' emotions: to know them in order to handle them

With Marta Rizzi, psychologist and psychotherapist 

Self-esteem: tools to strengthen it 

With Marta Rizzi, psychologist and psychotherapist 

Domestic sustainability 

With Miriam Frigerio, mother and responsible citizen   

How a game is born 

With Simone Saglietti and FIlippo Chiadò Puli, designers

Behind the scenes of Style Piccoli 

With Chiara Bidoli, editor-in-chief Style Piccoli, Insieme, Io e il mio Bambino,

Yes we scan

creative lab

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Ritratto matto

creative lab

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Starting point

creative lab 

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Words at play

creative lab

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