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* The calendar may vary, stay updated and always check your favorite events.

© Picture by Andrea Ruggeri | The Playful Living & Style Piccoli | Pitti bimbo june 2019, Florence, Fortezza da Basso

Past events

The packaging lab

With Nicoletta Zerbo, The Playful Living

Powered by Grifal


Kidnascimento and Toys Design Manifesto

With Luca Fois, coordinator Toys Design Manifesto

Powered by The Playful Living & Cilab Politecnico di Milano

Designing furniture for a changing retail environment

With Simone Saglietti and Filippo Chiadò Puli, designers

Powered by Studio Arredi


Product research and design

With Stefano Gandolfi, founder Italtrike

Powered by Italtrike

A look at Design for Kids

With Arianna Vignati, Researcher and co-director of CILAB PoliMi

Powered by CILAB, Design Dept. of Politecnico Milano

Let's "contaminate" the stores!

With Stefano Gandolfi, founder Italtrike

Powered by Italtrike

“Retailtainment" in kids' stores

With Arianna Vignati, Reasercher and co-director of CILAB | Design Dept. of Politecnico di Milano

Powered by Cilab, Creative Industries Lab

Retailtainment for all

With Simone Saglietti and Filippo Chiadò Puli, designers

Powered by Studio Arredi

Green packaging and sustainability

With Giulia Gritti, Marketing Dir. and Giuseppe Tavazzi, Sales Mgr Grifal

Powered by Grifal

Zero difference - free to space

With Stefano Gandolfi, founder Italtrike

Powered by Italtrike

Packaging as a communication tool

With Giulia Gritti, Marketing Dir. and Giuseppe Tavazzi, Sales Mgr Grifal

Powered by Grifal


Communicating with a moodboard

With Marta Meda and Nicoletta Zerbo, architects & stylists

Powered by The Playful Living

Inclusive bookbinding

With Giulia Poli and Martina Gerosa Powered by Pausa

Design in collaboration with Grifal


Castles don't exist

With Manuel Baglieri, Illustrator & Beatrice Vitali, Pedagogue Fondazione Gualando

Powered by Fondazione Gualando


The dress I'd like

With Giulia Poli Powered by The Playful Living and Pausa Design, in collaboration with Grifal 


The Manifesto of Blue Generation

With Chiara Bidoli, editor in chief, Style Piccoli

Powered by The Playful Living & Style Piccoli


Packaging as a communication tool

With Giulia Gritti, Marketing Dir. and Andrea Cornelli, Packaging and Communication Grifal

Powered by Grifal


That's a good one! The story of Rospella

With Anna Sarfatti, writer

Powered by The Playful LIving & Style Piccoli



In collaboration with

Media Partners

Scientific Committee

Under the patronage of

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The Playful Living is an initiative of Teknova Srl - Milano - P.I. 09712490151
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